On the day WikiLeaks founder and whistleblower Julian Assange walked free after signing a plea deal with the United States, the US State Department criticised his actions, stating that they had put the lives of people, especially Washington’s allies and diplomats, at risk.

US State Department spokesperson Mathew Miller emphasised that Assange had acted as a “conduit” for Russian intelligence in interfering with the US presidential elections. Assange arrived in Australia after pleading guilty to violating US espionage law in a deal that concluded his 14-year legal battle.

Assange received a grand welcome in Canberra, with cheers from supporters at Canberra Airport. He embraced his wife Stella and waved to the crowd.

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Miller criticises WikiLeaks for endangering diplomatic partners

Miller, in a press briefing, stated, “I do think it is important when we talk about Julian Assange to remind the world that the actions for which he was indicted, for which he has now pled guilty, are actions that put the lives of our partners, our allies, and our diplomats at risk, especially those who work in dangerous places like Afghanistan and Iraq.”

He criticised WikiLeaks for publishing documents without redacting names, which exposed individuals in contact with the State Department and harmed the US’s ability to build relationships. “This was some years ago, 15 years ago, so the world has forgotten much of it. But, if you recall, when WikiLeaks first disseminated and published State Department documents, State Department cables, they did so without redacting names. They just threw them out there for the world to see. And so the documents they published gave identifying information of individuals who were in contact with the State Department,” Miller said.

He added that this included opposition leaders and human rights activists worldwide, whose positions were endangered by the disclosures, and that it hindered American personnel’s ability to build relationships and have conversations with them. 

Impact on global security and US elections

Miller further mentioned that when the documents were released, the State Department had to take urgent actions to protect people in danger, involving an extraordinary effort by dozens of officials globally. “But that doesn’t change the danger those actions put innocent people all around the world in through no fault of their own,” Miller said.

He also highlighted WikiLeaks’ role in aiding Russian intelligence to interfere in the US presidential election.

Assange, 52, was released from a high-security prison in London on Monday afternoon and boarded a private jet to leave the UK before news of his agreement with the US government became public, according to CNN. He appeared in a US courtroom in the Northern Mariana Islands to formalise the agreement, officially pleading guilty to conspiring unlawfully to obtain and disseminate classified information over his alleged role in one of the largest breaches of classified material in US military history.

Due to Assange’s mistrust of the US and fears for his safety, prosecutors arranged for all proceedings to take place in a US federal court in Saipan, the largest island and capital of the Northern Mariana Islands, located around 6,000 kilometres (3,700 miles) west of Hawaii. Justice Department prosecutors noted that the court’s location made logistical sense, as it is closer to Australia, where Assange was to travel following the conclusion of the legal process, CNN reported.

(With inputs from ANI)